Showing posts with label Awareness Raising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awareness Raising. Show all posts

09 March, 2025

پاکستان میں اسٹریس مینجمنٹ

  پاکستان میں اسٹریس مینجمنٹ

پاکستان جیسے ملک میں رہتے ہوئے جہاں مہنگائی، غربت، بدامنی اور دہشتگردی کی وجوہات موجود ہیں، اسٹریس مینجمنٹ ایک اہم موضوع ہے۔ ان مسائل کے باعث لوگوں کو ذہنی دباؤ اور تفکرات کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے۔ اس مضمون میں ہم پاکستان میں موجود ان چیلنجز کے پیش نظر اسٹریس مینجمنٹ کے مختلف طریقوں اور حکمت عملیوں پر غور کریں گے۔
    مہنگائی کا دباؤ پاکستانیوں کی مالی حالت پر اثر انداز ہو رہا ہے۔ آمدنی اور خرچ میں توازن کی کمی کی وجہ سے ذہنی دباؤ دن بدن بڑھ رہا ہے۔ خاص طور پر تنخواہ دار طبقہ بہت متاثر ہو رہا ہے۔ مہنگائی کی وجہ سے غربت میں اضافہ ہو رہا ہے۔ 
   غربت کی وجہ سے لوگوں کو بنیادی ضروریات پوری کرنے میں مشکلات پیش آرہی ہیں۔ ان کی زندگی میں امید کی کمی اور مایوسی بڑھتی جارہی ہے۔ غربت کی وجہ سے بدامنی اور دہشتگردی بڑھتی جارہی ہے۔ اسٹریٹ کرائم میں اضافہ ہو رہا ہے۔ لوگ اپنے جان و مال کے تحفظ کے بارے میں پریشان رہتے ہیں۔ اس کے باعث عدم تحفظ اور خوف کا احساس بڑھتاجا رہا ہے 
   اسٹریس کی وجہ سے پاکستانیوں میں ملک چھوڑ کر جانے کا رجحان بھی برھتا جارہا ہے۔ یہ عمل لوگوں کو اپنوں سے دور کر دیتا ہے، جس سے تنہائی اور مایوسی بڑھتی ہے۔ ملک چھوڑنے سے ملکی معیشت پر برا اثر پڑ رہا ہے کیونکہ ملک چھوڑنے سے ملکی سرمایہ بھی باہر منتقل ہو رہا ہے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ پاکستانیوں میں ذہنی دباؤ میں اضافہ ہورہا ہے۔
  ذہنی دباؤ کا اثر براہ راست جسمانی صحت پر پڑتا ہے۔ بلند فشار خون، دل کی بیماری، اور دیگر جسمانی بیماریوں کا خطرہ بڑھ جاتا ہے۔ ذہنی دباؤ کے باعث افراد میں افسردگی، اضطراب، اور دیگر ذہنی مسائل جنم لیتے ہیں۔ ذہنی دباؤ کی وجہ سے کام کی کارکردگی متاثر ہوتی ہے۔ افراد کی توجہ، یادداشت، اور فیصلہ سازی کی صلاحیت کمزور ہو جاتی ہے۔ ہم سب کو معلوم ہے کہ بیماری اور غربت کا کتنا گہرا تعلق ہے۔ بعض اوقات ذہنی دباؤ کی وجہ سے فالج ہو سکتا ہے جو عمر بھر کی معذوری بن سکتا ہے۔ 
ذہنی دباؤ اور مایوسی کا سامنا کرتے وقت ہمیں توکل کرنا چاہئے۔ بعض اوقات حالات کو بدلنا ممکن نہیں ہوتا۔ ایسے مواقع پر، حالات کے ساتھ سمجھوتہ کرنا اور مثبت پہلو دیکھنا ضروری ہوتا ہے، اس کیلئے آپ کو معذوری کے حامل افراد کا مطالعہ کرنا چاہیے کہ وہ مشکلات کے باوجود ہنسی خوشی زندگی کیسے گذار رہے ہیں۔ مشکل وقت میں اپنے آپ کو سنبھالنا اور حالات کو قبول کرنا ایک مثبت عمل ہے۔ حالات کی وجہ سے ہونے والے درد اور تکلیف کو صبر کے ساتھ تسلیم کرتے ہوئے حضرت ایوب علیه الصلوۃ والسلام کی زندگی پر غور کرنا چاہیے، ہمیں اپنی سوچ کو مثبت اور ہمت والا بنانا چاہیے۔ اس طرح ہم اپنے آپ کو مستقبل کی کامیابیوں کے لیے تیار کر سکتے ہیں اور مایوسی کو کم کر سکتے ہیں۔ انسانی طاقت، صبر اور امید کی مدد سے ہم ہر مشکل کا سامنا کر سکتے ہیں اور بہتر دنوں کی امید رکھ سکتے ہیں اور روزمرہ کی زندگی میں توازن پیدا کرنا بہت ضروری ہے۔ روزانہ کے معمولات میں ہلکی ورزش، نیند اور آرام کو شامل کرنا چاہیے- کام کے علاوہ کچھ وقت اپنی دلچسپیوں اور مشغلوں میں گزاریں، اسکرین سے حتی الامکان دور رہیں اور خاندان اور دوستوں سے ملیں جلیں تاکہ  ذہنی سکون حاصل ہو۔
کوشش کریں کہ جنک فوڈ سے بچیں اچھی اور متوازن غذا استعمال کریں صحت بخش غذا کھانے سے ذہنی دباؤ میں کمی آتی ہے۔سُئیٹنرز سے بچیں اور پانی کی مناسب مقدار پینا بھی ضروری ہے تاکہ جسم ہائیڈریٹڈ رہے۔
عبادات اور میڈیٹیشن کریں اس سے بھی ذہنی سکون ملتا ہے۔ کم خرچہ میں قریب کی جگہوں پر جائیں تاکہ لوگوں کی بھیڑ بھاڑ اور محولیاتی آلودگی سے بچیں۔ کوشش کریں کہ موجودہ حالات کے مطابق سادگی اختیار کریں  آمدنی اور خرچ میں توازن پیدا کریں۔ آمدنی اور اخراجات کو نوٹ کریں اور فضول خرچی سے بچیں، ضروریات اور خواہشات میں فرق کریں اور غیر ضروری اخراجات کو کم کریں۔
پاکستان جیسے ملک میں جہاں مختلف چیلنجز ہر وقت موجود رہتے ہیں، اسٹریس مینجمنٹ کے لئے ہمیں یہ یاد کر لینا چاہیئے کہ ہم حالات بدل نہیں سکتے اور یہ وقت بھی گذر جائے گا۔

05 March, 2025

International Women's Day 2025


International Women's Day 2025

Every year, on March 8th, the world celebrates International Women's Day (IWD), a day dedicated to recognizing the incredible contributions of women and advocating for gender equality. The theme for International Women's Day 2025 is "Empower Her: Elevate Voices, Break Barriers," which is itself meaningful.

International Women's Day has its roots in the early 20th century, when women around the world began organizing and demanding equal rights. Since its first official celebration in 1911, IWD has grown into a global movement that continues to inspire change and progress with the slogan "We can do.".

Women have made remarkable strides across various fields. From pioneering scientists like Marie Curie to trailblazing leaders like Margaret Thatcher, women have reshaped our world. In recent years, figures such as Malala Yousafzai, Kamala Harris, and Greta Thunberg have emerged as powerful advocates for education, representation, and climate action. Their achievements highlight the strength and resilience of women everywhere. Women with disabilities also played their roles, like Hellen Keller, Dr. Fatima Shah, Judy Heumann, Rhonda Graham & Arunima Sinha, Frida Kahlo, and Jessica Cox. There is a long list of successful women with disabilities in the world.

Despite significant progress, many challenges remain. Women continue to face disparities in pay, access to education, and representation in leadership roles. Gender-based violence affects millions of women globally. Addressing these issues requires collective effort and commitment from individuals, organizations, and governments.

In countries like Pakistan, girls and women with disabilities face triple discrimination: being women, facing religious misinterpretation about women in Islam, and contending with cultural norms of South Asia. This intersectionality of gender, disability, and cultural barriers creates a particularly challenging environment for women with disabilities. They often experience exclusion from educational opportunities, limited access to healthcare, and restricted participation in economic activities.

Women with disabilities are often overlooked in mainstream gender movements. Despite the efforts of many advocates, their voices are frequently marginalized, and their specific needs are not adequately addressed. This year's theme, "Empower Her: Elevate Voices, Break Barriers," serves as a powerful reminder that the inclusion of women with disabilities within the gender movement and beyond is essential. It calls for a comprehensive approach to gender equality that recognizes and addresses the unique challenges faced by women with disabilities. The inclusion of women with disabilities is not just a matter of justice but a necessity for achieving true gender equality. This International Women's Day, let us commit to raising awareness about the unique challenges faced by women with disabilities and ensuring their voices are heard. By doing so, we can create a world where every woman, regardless of her abilities, can live with dignity and opportunity.

International Women's Day is an opportunity to empower women and elevate their voices. Gender equality is not just a women's issue but a human rights issue. Promoting policies that ensure equal opportunities, creating safe and accessible spaces, and challenging societal norms that perpetuate inequality are essential steps towards a more inclusive world. As we celebrate International Women's Day, let us recognize the achievements of women with and without disabilities and reflect on the work that still needs to be done. Each of us can contribute to advancing gender equality by supporting women's initiatives, challenging stereotypes, and advocating for inclusive policies.

This year, International Women's Day serves as a powerful reminder of the progress we've made and the journey ahead, celebrating women's achievements and advocating for their rights to honor their contributions, pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable world, and remind us of our collective responsibility to create an inclusive world where every woman, including those with disabilities, can thrive by elevating their voices, breaking barriers, and empowering all women to reach their full potential.

According to the theme of this year, together, we can break barriers and build an inclusive world where every woman, regardless of age, race, nationality, or disability, can thrive and reach her full potential.

02 March, 2025

World Hearing Day 2025


World Hearing Day 2025

World Hearing Day is observed on March 3rd every year. It's a global initiative led by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness about hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care for all. The theme for 2025 is "Changing Mindsets: Empower Yourself to Make Ear and Hearing Care a Reality for All." This year's focus is on breaking the stigma around hearing loss and encouraging proactive steps toward better hearing health.

Hearing loss is a significant public health issue affecting millions worldwide. According to WHO, over 1.5 billion people live with some degree of hearing impairment, and this number is expected to rise. The campaign emphasizes the importance of early detection, regular hearing check-ups, and the use of hearing aids and assistive devices without stigma.

Some key steps to safeguard hearing include:

  • Lowering the volume and following the 60/60 rule (listen at 60% volume for no more than 60 minutes).
  • Wearing ear protection in loud environments.
  • Avoid inserting objects into the ear.
  • Treating ear infections promptly.
  • Getting regular hearing screenings.
  • Empowering individuals on hearing care
  • Campaign to raise awareness on hearing care
  • Networking on hear care

Changing mindsets about hearing loss involves shifting societal attitudes and beliefs. By normalizing hearing aids and assistive devices, educating the public, and promoting advocacy, we can make people feel more comfortable seeking help. Open discussions about hearing loss within families, communities, and workplaces create supportive environments, while campaigns like World Hearing Day highlight the importance of hearing health.

Prioritizing hearing health means encouraging regular screenings, early detection, and intervention using hearing aids, cochlear implants, or other assistive devices. Inclusive communication practices and supporting research can also foster a more inclusive society where everyone can participate fully, regardless of their hearing ability. This not only improves the lives of individuals with hearing loss but also fosters a culture of empathy, understanding, and support.

HANDS Foundation is already a member of the World Hearing Day campaign. If you're interested in more details or want to participate in World Hearing Day events, you can find more information by clicking on the link to the Word Hearing Website.

26 February, 2025

International Zero Discrimination Day


International Zero Discrimination Day

Observed annually on March 1st, the United Nations' Zero Discrimination Day serves as a powerful and poignant reminder of the fundamental human right to live a life free from prejudice, stigma, and marginalization. This day underscores the urgent and ongoing need to combat all forms of discrimination, whether based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or any other status. As we approach Zero Discrimination Day 2025, the call for a more equitable and inclusive world resonates even more strongly. It's crucial to delve deeper into the multifaceted challenges faced by marginalized communities, particularly focusing on the often-overlooked experiences of South Asians with disabilities. Their experiences represent a complex intersection of discrimination, demanding focused attention and concerted action.

The Multifaceted Context of Disability

Disability is not a monolithic concept. It encompasses a wide spectrum of physical, sensory, intellectual, cognitive, and mental impairments, some visible and others invisible. It is an integral and natural part of the human experience, affecting individuals across all demographics and socioeconomic backgrounds because of barriers. Despite its prevalence, persons with disabilities often encounter significant, systemic barriers that impede their full participation and inclusion in society. These barriers are not simply physical; they are often deeply rooted in societal attitudes, cultural norms, and systemic inequalities. They can manifest as inaccessible infrastructure, discriminatory practices, various heartening terminologies, limited access to quality education and healthcare, and pervasive social stigma.

South Asians with Disabilities

South Asians with disabilities often face a double, sometimes even triple, burden of discrimination. They are marginalized not only as members of the disability community but also as individuals belonging to an ethnic minority group or sexual identity. Within their own communities, they may encounter cultural stigma, misconceptions surrounding the causes of disability, and even outright rejection. Disability may be viewed through a lens of shame, superstition, or as a punishment for past transgressions, leading to isolation and a lack of support for both the individual and their family. Furthermore, they often experience discrimination in the broader society due to their ethnicity, language, religious beliefs, or cultural practices. This intersectional discrimination, where multiple forms of prejudice converge, creates a complex web of disadvantage, leading to profound social exclusion, economic hardship, limited access to essential services, and diminished opportunities for personal growth and development.

The challenges faced by South Asians with disabilities are often exacerbated by poverty, lack of access to assistive technologies, limited availability of rehabilitation services, and inadequate representation in decision-making processes. These factors contribute to a cycle of marginalization, making it difficult for individuals to overcome the barriers they face and realize their full potential. The lack of disaggregated data on disability within South Asian communities further complicates the issue, making it difficult to accurately assess the prevalence of disability and develop targeted interventions.

Unraveling the Roots of Disability Discrimination

Disability discrimination is a complex phenomenon with roots in a variety of interconnected factors, including:

  • Lack of Awareness and Understanding: A fundamental cause of discrimination is the widespread lack of accurate information and understanding about disability. Misconceptions, stereotypes, and fear often fuel prejudice and negative attitudes. Many people are simply unaware of the diverse range of disabilities and the challenges faced by individuals living with them.
  • Cultural Stigma and Misconceptions: In some cultures, disability is shrouded in stigma and viewed through a lens of shame or misfortune. This can lead to discrimination and exclusion of individuals with disabilities, preventing them from accessing support and resources.
  • Fear and Discomfort: Some individuals may feel uncomfortable or even fearful around people with disabilities due to a lack of familiarity or understanding. This discomfort can lead to avoidance, exclusion, and discriminatory behavior.
  • Systemic Barriers: Beyond individual attitudes, systemic, policy and institutional barriers play a significant role in perpetuating disability discrimination. These barriers can include inaccessible infrastructure, discriminatory hiring practices, limited access to education and healthcare, and a lack of representation in decision-making bodies.
  • Socioeconomic Condition: Poverty and socioeconomic disadvantage can exacerbate the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, limiting their access to resources, opportunities, and support.

Solutions for Disability Discrimination

Combating disability discrimination requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach, involving individuals, communities, governments, and organizations working together. Key strategies include:

  • Raising Awareness and Education: Public awareness campaigns and educational programs are essential for challenging stereotypes, dispelling misconceptions, and promoting a more inclusive understanding of disability. These initiatives should target schools, workplaces, communities, and the media.
  • Universal Design: Ensuring that physical and digital environments are accessible to persons with disabilities is crucial for their full participation in society. This includes accessible buildings, transportation, websites, and assistive technologies. The principles of universal design, which aim to create environments that are usable by everyone to the greatest extent possible, should be incorporated into all aspects of design and planning.
  • Implementation of Legal Framework: Robust legal frameworks that protect the rights of persons with disabilities are essential for ensuring equality and justice. These laws should prohibit discrimination in all areas of life, including employment, education, healthcare, and housing. Effective enforcement mechanisms are crucial for ensuring that these laws are implemented and that individuals with disabilities have access to redressal mechanisms.
  • Empowerment: Supporting persons with disabilities to advocate for their rights, participate fully in their communities, and contribute their talents and skills is vital for promoting inclusion. This includes providing access to education, training, employment opportunities, and leadership development programs.
  • Inclusive Education: Inclusive education, where students with and without disabilities learn together in the same classrooms, is essential for fostering understanding, breaking down stereotypes, and creating more inclusive classrooms.
  • Support Services: Access to quality rehabilitation services, assistive technologies, and support services is crucial for enabling individuals with disabilities to live independent and fulfilling lives.
  • Disability Data: Collecting disaggregated data on disability within South Asian communities is essential for understanding the specific challenges faced by this population and developing targeted interventions. Further research is needed to explore the cultural and social factors that contribute to disability discrimination in these communities.
  • Partnerships: Addressing disability discrimination requires collaboration and partnerships between governments, NGOs, community organizations, and individuals with disabilities. By working together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

On Zero Discrimination Day 2025, let us not only reaffirm our commitment to building a world free from discrimination but also amplify the voices of South Asians with disabilities. Let us move beyond mere tolerance and embrace a culture of inclusion, where everyone, regardless of their abilities or background, can live a life of dignity, respect, and opportunity. By working together to dismantle barriers, challenge prejudices, and promote inclusion, we can create a more just and equitable society for all. This requires a sustained effort, a commitment to listening to and learning from the experiences of marginalized communities, and a willingness to challenge our own biases and assumptions. Only then can we truly achieve a world where zero discrimination is a reality, not just an aspiration.

23 February, 2025

Grants Opportunities for DPOs in Pakistan


Disability Grants for DPOs in Pakistan

Securing funding is a constant challenge for Disabled Persons' Organizations (DPOs) in Pakistan, especially given the country's complex socio-economic landscape. While government support exists, DPOs often need to explore diverse funding avenues, including local resources, INGOs, UN agencies, and international donors. This guide focuses on how grassroots DPOs can effectively approach grant acquisition and fundraising, moving beyond a simple charity-based model.

Funding Sources

Local philanthropy offers significant potential for DPOs in Pakistan.  To tap into this resource, DPOs should proactively identify and cultivate relationships with local philanthropists, businesses, and community groups that share an interest in disability rights.  A strategic approach involves showcasing the DPO's impact through compelling narratives and data, demonstrating how their work aligns with the philanthropic goals of potential donors.

DPOs in Pakistan can explore Zakat and Waqf as potential funding sources.  Collaboration with local religious leaders and communities can be particularly helpful in understanding the distribution mechanisms and eligibility criteria for these funds.  Raising awareness within the community about the DPO's work and how it benefits persons with disabilities can also increase the likelihood of receiving support from Zakat and Waqf resources. In this regard DPOs may approach HANDS Foundation for technical support.

Although navigating the bureaucratic processes can be complex, government grants represent a potential funding source for DPOs in Pakistan like Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPD) is doing in Sindh.  DPOs should prioritize engaging with provincial social welfare departments and thoroughly research available programs that support disability inclusion. Cultivating relationships with key officials can be beneficial in navigating the application process.

INGOs represent a diverse range of funding opportunities for DPOs in Pakistan.  Organizations like the CBM, SightSavers, and others working on disability-related issues offer various grant programs and partnerships.  DPOs should conduct thorough research to identify INGOs whose funding priorities align with their specific needs and project goals.

The UNCT's growing emphasis on inclusion in Pakistan creates a favorable environment for DPOs to collaborate with UN agencies in pakistan. These agencies often have disability rights projects and may offer funding or partnership opportunities.  Building relationships with UN staff and participating in UN-organized events focused on inclusion can open doors to collaboration.

International foundations and donor agencies offer valuable funding opportunities for DPOs in Pakistan, often through calls for project proposals.  DPOs should proactively research organizations like the Disability Rights Fund, the Open Society Foundations, and other European and North American foundations that focus on disability rights or inclusive development.  Careful review of their guidelines and targeted proposal development are crucial for success.

 Connecting with the Overseas Pakistanis can be a powerful way for DPOs to access funding.  Many overseas Pakistanis feel a strong connection to their homeland and may be particularly interested in supporting causes that benefit their fellow citizens, especially those with disabilities.  DPOs should actively engage with diaspora organizations and individuals, highlighting the shared identity and purpose of empowering persons with disabilities in Pakistan.

Building Capacity for Grant Acquisition

DPOs should prioritize proposal writing training to enhance their fundraising efforts.  Seeking out workshops offered by experienced grant writers or organizations specializing in capacity building can be particularly helpful.  Focus on developing a proposal template and practicing writing different sections to build confidence and competence.

While local funding opportunities may not always require English proficiency, strong English language skills are essential for accessing international grants.  Investing in English language training for key staff members involved in fundraising and proposal writing provides a significant strategic advantage in the competitive international funding landscape. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help DPOs to overcome on their English language skills.

Networking is crucial for DPOs, but it's not enough to simply collect business cards.  Following up after conferences, workshops, and events is essential for nurturing relationships and turning connections into potential funding opportunities.  DPOs should send personalized emails, share relevant information, and schedule follow-up meetings to continue the conversation.

While internal financial management training is crucial, DPOs should also strive to have independent audits conducted regularly.  This provides an additional layer of accountability and demonstrates a commitment to transparency to donors.  Smaller DPOs can explore partnerships with local accounting firms to make audits more affordable.

Securing funding is only the first step; effective project management is crucial for successful grant implementation.  Recognizing that many DPOs, particularly smaller organizations, may lack formal project management training, targeted support is essential.  Training should focus on practical skills in project planning, monitoring, and evaluation, tailored to the specific needs and capacity of the DPO.  Mentorship programs pairing DPOs with experienced project managers can be particularly valuable. HANDS could be a best platform to provide such technical support including trainings.

Moving Beyond Charity

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Pakistan's local legal framework provide a strong foundation for promoting a rights-based approach to disability.  DPOs should frame their proposals and fundraising efforts around this framework, emphasizing the inclusion, empowerment, and dignity of persons with disabilities.  Avoid portraying persons with disabilities as objects of pity or charity, instead focusing on their rights and potential.

Demonstrating impact is crucial for attracting funding, but effectively communicating this impact can be challenging for many DPOs.  While data and testimonials are important, crafting compelling stories that resonate with donors can be difficult.  Training and mentorship in storytelling, impact reporting, and basic photography/videography can be invaluable for DPOs.

A fundraising strategy is not a static document; it should be regularly reviewed and adapted as needed.  The funding landscape is constantly changing, and DPOs must be flexible and responsive to new opportunities and challenges.  Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of fundraising activities and making adjustments to the strategy is essential.

Diversifying funding sources is essential for DPO sustainability.  By cultivating relationships with multiple donors, including individuals, foundations, corporations, and government agencies, DPOs can create a more stable and predictable funding stream.  This diversification allows the organization to focus on its mission without being overly dependent on any single source.

Tangible Suggestions for Grassroots DPOs

Starting local is a smart strategy for DPOs. Building relationships with local philanthropists and businesses provides a solid foundation for fundraising efforts. Small grants or seed money can be invaluable in these early stages, allowing the organization to demonstrate its impact and build a credible track record.

Peer learning is ideal but challenging in Pakistan.  Explore alternative learning avenues like conferences, online forums, and mentorship programs. Given the challenges of peer learning in Pakistan, focusing on mentorship and capacity building may be more effective.  Connecting DPOs with experienced fundraisers, grant writers, and project managers can provide valuable guidance and support.  Investing in training programs offered by established NGOs or development organizations can also build DPO capacity. Even intermediary organizations,  like HANDS Foundation, Doaba Foundation or other national NGOs or INGOs like CBM, SightSavers, HI or other development support organizations, can play a key role in facilitating peer learning among DPOs.  These organizations can act as conveners, bringing DPOs together for workshops, training sessions, and networking events. The networks like CBID Network Pakistan, ADDTF, NFWWDs, PILC Network can be used a support platforms for this purpose.

Mentorship is not just about short-term fixes; it's about long-term development.  DPOs should seek mentors who are committed to supporting their growth over time, providing ongoing guidance and encouragement.  Organizations like HANDS Foundation are facilitating these long-term mentoring relationships in Pakistan.

Online resources play a crucial role in DPO capacity building.  Platforms like GrantStation and FundsforNGOs offer valuable training materials and resources on proposal writing, fundraising strategy, and financial management.  DPOs should leverage these resources, along with others listed below, to strengthen their organizational capacity.

Foundation Center (Candid)





UNDB Online (United Nations Development Business)


Those DPOs are interested in training or capacity building can use 

TechSoup: Offers discounted software and resources for nonprofits, including training materials.

NonprofitReady: Provides free and low-cost online courses on various nonprofit management topics.

Idealist: Offers resources for nonprofits, including job postings and training materials.

In Pakistan DPOs can explore these online resources

BrightSpyre and, Indeed Pakistan, LinkedIn,,  or

last but not least you can visit All Sanghar Handicaps' Association (ASHA) or subscribe Virtual Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (VRCD) on web, WhatsApp and Facebook for updating you with such useful information in future.

Beyond using existing platforms, DPOs should prioritize developing their own online presence.  A professional website and active social media profiles are essential for showcasing their work, communicating their impact, and attracting potential donors.  The website should include information about the DPO's mission, programs, achievements, and contact details.  Regularly updating the website and social media channels with news, stories, and calls to action is crucial for engaging audiences and building support. 

Navigating the funding landscape in Pakistan requires persistence, strategic thinking, and capacity building. New funding opportunities are posted regularly, so it's important to check online resources frequently. By embracing a rights-based approach, demonstrating impact, and building strong relationships, grassroots DPOs can secure the resources they need to empower persons with disabilities and promote inclusion. Finding funding can take time and effort. Don't get discouraged if you don't get funded right away. Keep searching and applying for grants that are a good fit for your organization.

14 February, 2025

Celebrating Love for People with Disabilities

 Celebrating Love for People with Disabilities

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and connection. However, in many Asian communities, people with disabilities often face barriers to pursuing relationships due to stigma and societal neglect.

Many mistakenly believe that individuals with physical disabilities lack romantic desires or the ability to form meaningful relationships. I experienced this firsthand before my marriage and even after, as colleagues often questioned how a person with a physical disability could live with a partner. Our research in Pakistan’s urban and rural areas found that families often view girls with disabilities as fragile or incapable, negatively impacting their lives. Some are even exploited in false relationships, left abandoned after having children. These harmful stereotypes label people with disabilities as “incapable” or “unsuitable” partners, leading to their exclusion from romantic and marital opportunities. Some also assume that relationships should only exist between people with the same disabilities, such as deaf individuals only dating other deaf people or blind individuals only dating the blind.

Others infantilize people with disabilities, treating them as if they are children who don’t need or shouldn’t have romantic relationships. This attitude disregards their right to experience love and intimacy like anyone else, including those with Down syndrome.

The Need for Inclusive Education

Change begins with schools. Schools must provide disability-friendly relationship education, families should support autonomy, and media should represent individuals with disabilities as capable of love. Campaigns like Love Without Limits in South Korea showcase inspiring stories of couples who challenge societal barriers.

Sex education is often considered taboo in many Asian countries. Without proper sex education, not only are people with disabilities discriminated against, but young children also become more vulnerable to abuse. Relationship education rarely accommodates their needs, leaving them unprepared to navigate relationships safely. Worse, materials often lack accessibility features such as sign language support or simplified guides for those with learning differences. Studies show that individuals with disabilities face higher risks of abuse, highlighting the urgent need for inclusive resources.

Breaking the Dating Taboo

In many Asian cultures, dating is considered sinful, leading to resistance from society. In India, for example, extremist groups have attacked couples in public. Even in more developed Asian countries, families and caregivers sometimes discourage people with disabilities from dating, fearing harm or misunderstanding. Interviews across Asia reveal that many individuals have been told to “wait until you’re older” or to “focus on other things.” A 40-year-old man with a developmental disability shared, “My parents told me I wasn’t ready for a relationship—even at my age.” Such attitudes reinforce the myth that people with disabilities don’t understand love or deserve companionship, emphasizing the need for independent living in Asia.

Despite these challenges, activists and organizations are working to change perceptions. In Japan and India, workshops on relationships for disabled youth are becoming more common. Online communities across Southeast Asia are creating safe spaces where people with disabilities can share their stories and experiences.

Valentine’s Day reminds us that love is for everyone. As one young woman with cerebral palsy put it, “Love isn’t about ability—it’s about connection.” By challenging stereotypes and improving education, we can ensure that people with disabilities are included in the conversation. This Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate love in all its forms and work toward a world where everyone, regardless of ability, can experience it fully.

 This Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate love in all its forms—and work toward a world where everyone, regardless of ability, can experience it fully. Valentine's Day is to show love to loved ones, including family, relatives, parents, offspring, spouses, and partners.

Tips for People with Disabilities are not in any relationship to Celebrate Valentine’s Day:

  • Spend time with your loved ones.

  • Practice self-love and schedule a self-care day.

  • Make plans with friends.

  • Volunteer with your favorite NGO/DPO.

  • Exchange gifts with friends and family.

  • Join or organize a group activity.

  • Take a break from social media, screens, and alcohol for the day.

  • Call friends you haven’t spoken to in a while.

  • Socialize and meet new people.

Love is universal, and everyone deserves to experience it in their own way. Let’s make this Valentine’s Day a celebration of inclusivity and acceptance.

12 February, 2025

World Radio Day 2025


World Radio Day 2025

Every year on February 13, the world comes together to celebrate World Radio Day, a tribute to one of humanity’s oldest and most resilient forms of communication. Declared by the United Nations in 2011—surprisingly late, given radio’s century-long influence—this day reminds us of radio’s unique power to connect, inform, and inspire. In 2025, the theme “Radio and Climate Change” highlights how this humble medium can drive urgent conversations about our planet’s future. From remote villages to bustling cities, radio remains a lifeline for millions, proving that even in the digital age, its relevance hasn’t faded.

 Why Radio Still Matters  

Radio’s simplicity is its strength. It doesn’t require expensive gadgets, stable internet, or literacy. A basic receiver and a pair of batteries are enough to bridge gaps between communities, governments, and experts. This accessibility makes radio indispensable, especially in regions where poverty or geography limits access to technology. In Pakistan, for instance, a recent Gallup survey found that 16.5% of the population tunes in weekly, with young people (ages 15–24) forming a significant chunk of listeners after prevalence of Mobile Phone. Even among older adults (55+), over 21% rely on radio regularly. These numbers may seem modest, but they represent millions who depend on radio for news and music.  

Pakistan’s official broadcaster, Radio Pakistan, operates 67 stations across the country, using a mix of FM, medium wave, and shortwave frequencies. Yet, while these stations serve urban and rural areas, there’s a glaring gap: Pakistan has zero community radio stations—a stark contrast to neighbors like India (494 stations) or Afghanistan (155). This absence is puzzling, given radio’s potential to address local needs. 

 Community Radio

Community radio is grassroots media at its best. Run by and for local people, it broadcasts in regional languages and focuses on hyper-local issues—agriculture, health, education, and disaster response. Take Nepal’s Radio Sagarmatha, South Asia’s first community station, launched in 1997 after a five-year struggle for licensing. Or Bangladesh’s 32 stations that empower farmers with weather updates and crop advice. These stations aren’t just broadcasters; they’re community builders.  

In Pakistan, the 2005 earthquake became a turning point. When the disaster wiped out communication networks in Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) stepped in. With no prior experience, volunteers set up makeshift radio studios in shipping containers to share lifesaving information. This effort not only aided recovery but sparked interest in community radio. Today, PPF runs 12 radio studios in press clubs nationwide, waiting for licenses to launch full-fledged stations.  

The need is clear. Half of South Asia’s population lives in rural areas, where internet access is scarce. For farmers, women, and marginalized groups, community radio could deliver tailored content—like climate-smart farming techniques or disaster preparedness—in their own languages. Organizations like HANDS Foundation could lead this charge, creating programs that educate and engage communities on pressing issues like climate change.  

Radio vs. Climate Change 

Climate change isn’t just a scientific challenge—it’s a communication crisis. How do we explain rising temperatures or erratic rains to a farmer in Sindh or a herder in Balochistan? Radio bridges this gap. With trusted local voices and culturally relevant messaging, it can translate complex ideas into actionable steps.  

This year’s World Radio Day theme urges broadcasters to:  
1. Raise awareness about climate impacts.  
2. Promote sustainable practices, like water conservation or renewable energy.  
3. Amplify grassroots stories, giving a platform to those most affected.  

In Pakistan, where floods and heatwaves are becoming routine, radio can warn communities about disasters, share recovery resources, and advocate for policy changes. Imagine a daily show where meteorologists explain weather patterns, or NGOs like HANDS Foundation host call-ins to discuss tree-planting drives. Radio’s intimacy—its ability to feel like a conversation—makes these messages stick.  

 Radio for the Visually Impaired Persons

For visually impaired individuals, radio isn’t just convenient—it’s liberating. Without relying on screens, they access news, education, and entertainment independently. In regions like Pakistan, where disability resources are limited, radio becomes a classroom, a companion, and a career path.  

Educational programs teach languages, vocational skills, and even coding. Talk shows let listeners engage with social issues, reducing isolation. Entertainment—music, dramas, storytelling—offers respite from daily struggles. Moreover, radio opens doors for visually impaired talent. From hosting shows to producing podcasts, many find purpose and income in broadcasting.  

Advances like digital radio and voice-activated devices (e.g., smart speakers) have made content even more accessible. For someone who can’t read a newspaper or navigate the internet, a radio’s “on” button is a gateway to the world.  

Pakistan stands at a crossroads. While Radio Pakistan’s network is impressive, the lack of community stations holds back rural development. Licensing hurdles and bureaucratic delays must be addressed to unleash this potential. The success of PPF’s container studios post-earthquake proves that local radio works—it saves lives, builds trust, and fosters unity.  

Meanwhile, climate change demands urgent action. By partnering with NGOs, universities, and international bodies, Pakistan’s radio sector can become a hub for environmental education. Young people, who already tune in widely, could lead this shift through youth-led programs or citizen journalism.  

For the visually impaired, radio is a right, not a privilege. Advocates must push for inclusive policies—like quotas for disability-focused content or training programs for blind broadcasters.  

World Radio Day isn’t just about celebrating the past; it’s about reimagining the future. In an era of TikTok and AI, radio’s human touch—its warmth, immediacy, and reach—remains irreplaceable. From battling climate change to empowering marginalized groups, its potential is limitless.  

Pakistan has the tools: a young population eager to engage, NGOs ready to innovate, and airwaves waiting to be filled with local voices. What’s needed now is political will and public support. Let’s turn up the volume on community radio, climate action, and inclusivity. After all, in a world of noise, sometimes the simplest voices speak the loudest.  

As we mark World Radio Day 2025, let’s remember: every frequency, every story, and every listener brings us closer to a better world. Tune in, speak up, and keep the dial on hope.