16 May, 2009

The 10th Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness – APCD2009

The 10th Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness – APCD2009 will be held in connection with 10th Hearing International - HI Annual meeting and 2nd ASEAN Academy of Neuro-oto-audiology at Landmark Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand during 4-7th August, 2009. This will be another great event. It is my great privilege and pleasure to warmly invite all of you to participate in these three combined conferences.

Organizing Committee of APCD2009 will ensure you of the innovative programming, latest technology and opportunity in Medical, Surgical, Rehabilitation and Education for the Hearing Impaired and the Deaf. Conference offers professional development for deaf education, teachers, interpreters, support staffs, professionals in the field of deafness and parents, audiologists and hearing specialists. The scientific programme will include special lecture, plenary, tutorial, free paper and poster sessions. You will have the opportunities to site visit of professional interest such as diagnostic and rehabilitation technology and school for the deaf in Bangkok.

The conference has grown to become the major meeting in the Asia Pacific region and Worldwide. It is the opportunity for all those involved to share research, clinical and educational practices.

For Registration, Abstracts and program detail please click on  the title

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